“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise ​of progress, in every society, in every family”

Kofi Annan

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise ​of progress, in every society, in every family”

Kofi Annan



We promise to be a trusted partner for our ​community/customers.

This means our service priorities are your ​priorities and we commit to you for the long ​term. We will:

  • meet you where you are.
  • listen, without judgement, to understand ​your needs.
  • work with you to find solutions appropriate ​to your context.
  • be reflective, agile and proactive.
  • provide the best person for the job.
  • commit to the ongoing professional ​development of our expert people to bring ​cutting edge thinking, coupled with ​extensive experience, to our family of ​schools.

We promise to be a trusted partner for our ​community/customers.

This means our service priorities are your ​priorities and we commit to you for the long ​term. We will:

  • meet you where you are.
  • listen, without judgement, to understand ​your needs.
  • work with you to find solutions appropriate ​to your context.
  • be reflective, agile and proactive.
  • provide the best person for the job.
  • commit to the ongoing professional ​development of our expert people to bring ​cutting edge thinking, coupled with ​extensive experience, to our family of ​schools.






BDSIP’s purpose is to provide our ​customers with a trusted professional ​partnership that will empower their ​school community to realise the fullest ​opportunities for growth and success ​for all.

BDSIP’s purpose is to provide our ​customers with a trusted professional ​partnership that will empower their ​school community to realise the fullest ​opportunities for growth and success ​for all.



Our educational philosophy is a living commitment to creating an ​inclusive, empowering, and purposeful educational experience for ​all, where each learner is not only equipped with knowledge and ​skills but is also inspired to become a lifelong learner and a positive ​force in the world.

Our trusted advisers believe that school improvement happens ​through the organisation’s capacity to grow. We are dedicated to ​supporting schools to overcome their challenges and dismantle any ​barriers to education, ensuring that every learner has equal access ​to opportunities. Our commitment to equity is reflected in our ​practices, policies, and resources, ensuring that no one is left ​behind and that each individual member of the school community, ​governors, leaders, teachers, families and pupils, has the tools they ​need to succeed.

BDSIP employs the most passionate and innovative practitioners ​who are committed to our ‘trusted partner’ approach. We ​encourage all our staff to be professionally inquisitive, solution-​focused and unerring in their drive to support our schools to realise ​a vision of success for all.

Our educational philosophy is a living commitment to creating an ​inclusive, empowering, and purposeful educational experience for ​all, where each learner is not only equipped with knowledge and ​skills but is also inspired to become a lifelong learner and a positive ​force in the world.

Our trusted advisers believe that school improvement happens ​through the organisation’s capacity to grow. We are dedicated to ​supporting schools to overcome their challenges and dismantle any ​barriers to education, ensuring that every learner has equal access ​to opportunities. Our commitment to equity is reflected in our ​practices, policies, and resources, ensuring that no one is left ​behind and that each individual member of the school community, ​governors, leaders, teachers, families and pupils, has the tools they ​need to succeed.

BDSIP employs the most passionate and innovative practitioners ​who are committed to our ‘trusted partner’ approach. We ​encourage all our staff to be professionally inquisitive, solution-​focused and unerring in their drive to support our schools to realise ​a vision of success for all.






















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BDSIP is credible


BDSIP has the ​required expertise to ​support us.


We have a high level ​of trust in BDSIP.


BDSIP actively ​listens to our needs ​and concerns.


BDSIP understands ​our needs and works ​with us to find ​solutions.

“BDSIP’s reflective approach has ​positively impacted our school’s ​direction.”

“BDSIP’s reflective approach has ​positively impacted our school’s ​direction.”

“BDSIP staff are very warm, ​approachable and just a great ​team.”

“BDSIP staff are very warm, ​approachable and just a great ​team.”

“BDSIP have taken onboard the care, time, ​attention and support needed for our ​pupils to successfully achieve.”

“BDSIP have taken onboard the care, time, ​attention and support needed for our ​pupils to successfully achieve.”

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023




“With an absolute focus on children and their learning, our ​SIP provides both support and challenge. An inspirational ​leader, they have helped all leaders to deepen their ​thinking and ensure all actions link to our school ​values/vision and have a clear purpose.”

“With an absolute focus on children and their learning, our ​SIP provides both support and challenge. An inspirational ​leader, they have helped all leaders to deepen their ​thinking and ensure all actions link to our school ​values/vision and have a clear purpose.”

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023



We believe in the transformative power of collaboration ​and understand that progress and growth in educational ​institutions are not solitary endeavours but collective ​efforts. Effective collaboration is pivotal in driving ​meaningful change and achieving sustainable ​improvement within schools. Fostering a culture of ​partnership, our team of experts work together with ​your school, sharing insights, challenges, and successes. ​Utilising the expertise and perspectives of our team and ​pool of consultants, we create tailored support that ​addresses the unique needs of each school.

We believe in the transformative power of collaboration ​and understand that progress and growth in educational ​institutions are not solitary endeavours but collective ​efforts. Effective collaboration is pivotal in driving ​meaningful change and achieving sustainable ​improvement within schools. Fostering a culture of ​partnership, our team of experts work together with ​your school, sharing insights, challenges, and successes. ​Utilising the expertise and perspectives of our team and ​pool of consultants, we create tailored support that ​addresses the unique needs of each school.

Our commitment to ​transparency, integrity, and ​reliability forms the foundation ​of our school improvement ​work. Our service spans ​various themes essential to ​holistic school development. ​Some of the key areas we ​cover include:

Our commitment to ​transparency, integrity, and ​reliability forms the foundation ​of our school improvement ​work. Our service spans ​various themes essential to ​holistic school development. ​Some of the key areas we ​cover include:



Curriculum Development

Professional ​Development

Data-Driven Decision


Quality Assurance

Leadership Development

Crafting and refining ​curricula to ensure ​alignment with the latest ​educational standards and ​evidence informed ​approaches.

Offering tailored ​programmes to empower ​professionals with the ​necessary skills and ​knowledge to adapt to an ​ever-evolving educational ​landscape.

Utilising data to inform ​decision-making, helping ​schools identify areas for ​growth and measure ​progress effectively.

Conducting learning ​reviews in collaboration ​with your leaders and ​supporting moderation ​activities.

Supporting leaders at all ​levels to develop their ​skills using a range of ​solution focused ​approaches.

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Paul Claydon, Senior School Improvement Adviser (Secondary): Paul.Claydon@bdsip.co.uk 07866 912846

Kate Gooding, Senior School Improvement Adviser (Primary): Kate.Gooding@bdsip.co.uk 07976239885



All the passionate and highly skilled advisers in ​our suite of SEND and Inclusion Services bring a ​solution-focused approach to supporting schools ​to find creative ways of removing individual ​barriers to education, so that every learner has ​equal access to opportunities.

The team is committed to a vision of inclusion ​that ensures no-one is left behind and each ​individual member of the school community, ​governors, leaders, teachers, families and pupils, ​has the tools they need to succeed.

All the passionate and highly skilled advisers in ​our suite of SEND and Inclusion Services bring a ​solution-focused approach to supporting schools ​to find creative ways of removing individual ​barriers to education, so that every learner has ​equal access to opportunities.

The team is committed to a vision of inclusion ​that ensures no-one is left behind and each ​individual member of the school community, ​governors, leaders, teachers, families and pupils, ​has the tools they need to succeed.

“Our Inclusion Adviser has provided ​tailored support which has helped to ​implement vital support for the children ​who need it most.”

“Our Inclusion Adviser has provided ​tailored support which has helped to ​implement vital support for the children ​who need it most.”

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023




Exceptional inclusive practice is the ​cornerstone of achieving the best ​outcomes for all children and young ​people, both academically and as part ​of their journey into adulthood. Our ​Inclusion Service, designed to elevate ​your school's provision and outcomes ​for children and young people with ​Special Educational Needs and ​Disability (SEND), offers a ​comprehensive and tailored approach.

Exceptional inclusive practice is the ​cornerstone of achieving the best ​outcomes for all children and young ​people, both academically and as part ​of their journey into adulthood. Our ​Inclusion Service, designed to elevate ​your school's provision and outcomes ​for children and young people with ​Special Educational Needs and ​Disability (SEND), offers a ​comprehensive and tailored approach.

Our team of experienced inclusion ​advisers take a proactive and agile ​approach to empowering your school ​in achieving holistic inclusive practice. ​Drawing upon the diverse expertise of ​the inclusion team, our service covers ​areas such as autism, language and ​communication, social and emotional ​well-being, mental health needs, ​cognition and learning, literacy and ​numeracy, and outstanding leadership ​in SEND and inclusion.

Our team of experienced inclusion ​advisers take a proactive and agile ​approach to empowering your school ​in achieving holistic inclusive practice. ​Drawing upon the diverse expertise of ​the inclusion team, our service covers ​areas such as autism, language and ​communication, social and emotional ​well-being, mental health needs, ​cognition and learning, literacy and ​numeracy, and outstanding leadership ​in SEND and inclusion.

Hannah Hamid, Senior Inclusion Adviser: Hannah.Hamid@bdsip.co.uk or 07821 681746

Nicole Leah, Senior Inclusion Adviser: Nicole.Leah@bdsip.co.uk or 07821 681747

Commitment Partnership Badge




Hand Drawn Message

Data for 2022-3, published by the Government, for SEND in ​England shows that the number of children in EYFS and KS1 ​identified with a primary need of autism has nearly doubled ​across England and London since 2015-6.

In response to the increasing challenge this presents for primary ​schools, BDSIP’s team of highly experienced autism experts have ​developed a successful programme to enhance the confidence ​and competencies of staff who support these learners.

Now in its third year, this holistic package targets five key areas:

  • Emotional Regulation
  • Enabling Environments
  • Communication
  • Transitions
  • Quality of teaching and learning

Data for 2022-3, published by the Government, for SEND in ​England shows that the number of children in EYFS and KS1 ​identified with a primary need of autism has nearly doubled ​across England and London since 2015-6.

In response to the increasing challenge this presents for primary ​schools, BDSIP’s team of highly experienced autism experts have ​developed a successful programme to enhance the confidence ​and competencies of staff who support these learners.

Now in its third year, this holistic package targets five key areas:

  • Emotional Regulation
  • Enabling Environments
  • Communication
  • Transitions
  • Quality of teaching and learning

Our enhanced package includes:

  • A collaborative audit to identify areas of ​strength and areas for development
  • Bespoke resource creation to support ​emotional regulation, communication or ​curriculum development
  • CPD for year group or SEND teams
  • Team teaching opportunities
  • Modelling of interventions and how to use ​supports
  • Individual/group coaching
  • An individual learner assessment with a ​summary report
  • Whole school CPD

Our enhanced package includes:

  • A collaborative audit to identify areas of ​strength and areas for development
  • Bespoke resource creation to support ​emotional regulation, communication or ​curriculum development
  • CPD for year group or SEND teams
  • Team teaching opportunities
  • Modelling of interventions and how to use ​supports
  • Individual/group coaching
  • An individual learner assessment with a ​summary report
  • Whole school CPD

Commitment Partnership Badge


Rebecca Mawson.

Inclusion Adviser for Autism and Complex Needs

Rebecca.Mawson@bdsip.co.uk or 07968 511891

Schools can choose from one of two packages:

Our standard package includes:

  • A collaborative audit to identify areas of ​strength and areas for development
  • Bespoke resource creation to support ​emotional regulation, communication or ​curriculum development
  • CPD for year group or SEND teams
  • Modelling of interventions and how to use ​supports

Schools can choose from one of two packages:

Our standard package includes:

  • A collaborative audit to identify areas of ​strength and areas for development
  • Bespoke resource creation to support ​emotional regulation, communication or ​curriculum development
  • CPD for year group or SEND teams
  • Modelling of interventions and how to use ​supports



Paper Airplanes

Providing individual ​casework, including ​working with hard-to-​engage families and ​initiating legal action, ​where required

Providing individual ​casework, including ​working with hard-to-​engage families and ​initiating legal action, ​where required

Establishing and ​embedding systems ​that are proven to ​support consistently ​outstanding attendance ​for all

Establishing and ​embedding systems ​that are proven to ​support consistently ​outstanding attendance ​for all

Empowering school ​leaders with a deep ​understanding of ​legislative ​responsibilities.

Empowering school ​leaders with a deep ​understanding of ​legislative ​responsibilities.

Offering strategic ​guidance to foster a ​culture that values ​exceptional ​attendance

Offering strategic ​guidance to foster a ​culture that values ​exceptional ​attendance



We are dedicated to ensuring your school ​maintains outstanding attendance for all ​learners.

In close collaboration with your attendance ​leads, our experienced and skilled advisers will ​develop a bespoke, holistic programme of ​support which is aligned with your statutory ​priorities for improving attendance and builds on ​existing success.

We are dedicated to ensuring your school ​maintains outstanding attendance for all ​learners.

In close collaboration with your attendance ​leads, our experienced and skilled advisers will ​develop a bespoke, holistic programme of ​support which is aligned with your statutory ​priorities for improving attendance and builds on ​existing success.

BDSIP’s programme is informed by four key thematic strands:

Paper Airplanes

Tracy Evans, Attendance Service Lead

Tracy.Evans@bdsip.co.uk or 0797124910

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Nicole Leah,

Senior Inclusion Adviser:​ Nicole.Leah@bdsip.co.uk or 07821 681747

In line with our educational philosophy, our counselling service focuses on ​holistic support for student and staff emotional well-being by cultivating a ​safe, inclusive environment conducive to learning and addressing ​individual needs through person-centred approaches.

Our high-quality, affordable counselling service for mainstream and specialist ​settings prioritises bespoke emotional support by employing integrative ​therapeutic methods such as CBT, art, or play therapy where appropriate.

Focusing on your school priorities, your counsellor can provide therapeutic ​counselling for vulnerable students who do not meet the CAMHS ​thresholds; support for families and staff; and feedback that can be ​included in students’ support plans.

All our counsellors are subject to rigorous safer recruitment checks and will ​have a current DBS certificate. They also have up-to-date safeguarding ​training, including Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), Child ​Safeguarding and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In line with BACP ​guidelines, BDSIP provides all counsellors with monthly clinical supervision ​with an accredited provider.

Your counsellor will provide:

  • A mandatory daily debrief with an appropriate member of school staff ​to monitor impact following the 4 daily therapeutic sessions delivered.
  • An interim evaluation every 6 sessions to track impact and progress for ​individual students in receipt of counselling.
  • The opportunity for confidential counselling support for staff and in ​some cases families, to improve overall wellbeing and mental health.
  • Support for referrals to other agencies, when required.

In line with our educational philosophy, our counselling service focuses on ​holistic support for student and staff emotional well-being by cultivating a ​safe, inclusive environment conducive to learning and addressing ​individual needs through person-centred approaches.

Our high-quality, affordable counselling service for mainstream and specialist ​settings prioritises bespoke emotional support by employing integrative ​therapeutic methods such as CBT, art, or play therapy where appropriate.

Focusing on your school priorities, your counsellor can provide therapeutic ​counselling for vulnerable students who do not meet the CAMHS ​thresholds; support for families and staff; and feedback that can be ​included in students’ support plans.

All our counsellors are subject to rigorous safer recruitment checks and will ​have a current DBS certificate. They also have up-to-date safeguarding ​training, including Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE), Child ​Safeguarding and Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In line with BACP ​guidelines, BDSIP provides all counsellors with monthly clinical supervision ​with an accredited provider.

Your counsellor will provide:

  • A mandatory daily debrief with an appropriate member of school staff ​to monitor impact following the 4 daily therapeutic sessions delivered.
  • An interim evaluation every 6 sessions to track impact and progress for ​individual students in receipt of counselling.
  • The opportunity for confidential counselling support for staff and in ​some cases families, to improve overall wellbeing and mental health.
  • Support for referrals to other agencies, when required.



Since 2019, BDSIP has partnered with Words First, a provider with ​more than ten years of proven success in supporting more than ​100 schools across London, to offer our schools access to ​competitively priced multidisciplinary therapeutic services. ​Therapists will respond to the unique needs of your school and ​your students to support leaders to strengthen your SEND ​provision and ensure good or better outcomes for all.

Since 2019, BDSIP has partnered with Words First, a provider with ​more than ten years of proven success in supporting more than ​100 schools across London, to offer our schools access to ​competitively priced multidisciplinary therapeutic services. ​Therapists will respond to the unique needs of your school and ​your students to support leaders to strengthen your SEND ​provision and ensure good or better outcomes for all.

You can choose from one, all or a combination of schools-focused services from:

You can choose from one, all or a combination of schools-focused services from:

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Speech & ​Language ​Therapy

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Jigsaw Puzzle Piece

Occupational ​Therapy

Education ​Psychology

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Online Assessment Glyph Icon

Play ​Therapy

Dyslexia ​Support

One line drawing paper airplane

Hannah Hamid, Senior Inclusion Adviser: Hannah.Hamid@bdsip.co.uk or 07821 681746

Nicole Leah, Senior Inclusion Adviser: Nicole.Leah@bdsip.co.uk or 07821 681747

Commitment Partnership Badge


Whichever services you choose, Words First multi-disciplinary team (MDT) of highly-skilled ​professionals will work holistically with your school on a weekly, monthly, termly or ad-hoc basis ​to offer advice and guidance, training, assessments, interventions and resources to target your ​key priorities.

Across the Words First MDT, each therapist has access to advice and support from a wide range ​of clinical specialists to ensure they can meet your specific needs. These specialisms include:

  • Autism and Social Communication
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Complex Needs
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Dyslexia
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • Feeding and Dysphagia
  • Stammering

All Words First therapists are subject to rigorous safer recruitment checks and will have a ​current DBS certificate. Words First also employ stringent clinical supervision, line ​management, mentoring and training to ensure a consistently high-quality service for your ​school.

Whichever services you choose, Words First multi-disciplinary team (MDT) of highly-skilled ​professionals will work holistically with your school on a weekly, monthly, termly or ad-hoc basis ​to offer advice and guidance, training, assessments, interventions and resources to target your ​key priorities.

Across the Words First MDT, each therapist has access to advice and support from a wide range ​of clinical specialists to ensure they can meet your specific needs. These specialisms include:

  • Autism and Social Communication
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Complex Needs
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Dyslexia
  • Developmental Language Disorder
  • Feeding and Dysphagia
  • Stammering

All Words First therapists are subject to rigorous safer recruitment checks and will have a ​current DBS certificate. Words First also employ stringent clinical supervision, line ​management, mentoring and training to ensure a consistently high-quality service for your ​school.




“My Careers Interview was very ​beneficial and I have a better idea of ​what I want to do and how I will ​execute it.”

“My Careers Interview was very ​beneficial and I have a better idea of ​what I want to do and how I will ​execute it.”

Year 11 Student

Year 11 Student

Our Careers and Aspirations services commit to providing our ​schools with a holistic approach, empowering schools to deliver ​the best careers and work-related programmes to meet the ​requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks and raise aspirations ​for our children and young people. Our extensive network ​means we are able to connect schools to local and regional ​learning opportunities that support the development of ‘career ​capital’, breaking down barriers to social mobility and inspiring ​all young people to realise their full potential.

Our Careers and Aspirations services commit to providing our ​schools with a holistic approach, empowering schools to deliver ​the best careers and work-related programmes to meet the ​requirements of the Gatsby Benchmarks and raise aspirations ​for our children and young people. Our extensive network ​means we are able to connect schools to local and regional ​learning opportunities that support the development of ‘career ​capital’, breaking down barriers to social mobility and inspiring ​all young people to realise their full potential.





Commitment Partnership Badge


Aasiya Hassan,

Head of Careers Education & Work Experience Aasiya.Hassan@bdsip.co.uk or 07976 238135


There is increasing evidence that careers-related learning in ​primary schools supports to raise the aspirations of young ​people, broadening their horizons, boosting engagement, ​and demystifying stereotypes (Drawing the Future, ​Employers and Education 2018). Encouraging children to ​explore and expand their ideas of who they aspire to ​become impacts their future choices for education and ​career ambitions.

The Grown Up Me programme connects primary schools ​with local and regional employers and universities across a ​range of sectors to broaden and build primary pupils’ ​understanding of, and engagement with, the world of work ​through:

  • Inspire sessions: For Y3 to 6, these high engaging and ​participative sessions, led by industry specialists will ​include pupils to a range of roles.
  • Spotlight workshops: For Y5 and 6, these practical ​workshops connect classroom learning to employability ​skills at a relevant specialist site.
  • Tailored support to enhance your in-school programme
  • Network meetings and specialist CPD

There is increasing evidence that careers-related learning in ​primary schools supports to raise the aspirations of young ​people, broadening their horizons, boosting engagement, ​and demystifying stereotypes (Drawing the Future, ​Employers and Education 2018). Encouraging children to ​explore and expand their ideas of who they aspire to ​become impacts their future choices for education and ​career ambitions.

The Grown Up Me programme connects primary schools ​with local and regional employers and universities across a ​range of sectors to broaden and build primary pupils’ ​understanding of, and engagement with, the world of work ​through:

  • Inspire sessions: For Y3 to 6, these high engaging and ​participative sessions, led by industry specialists will ​include pupils to a range of roles.
  • Spotlight workshops: For Y5 and 6, these practical ​workshops connect classroom learning to employability ​skills at a relevant specialist site.
  • Tailored support to enhance your in-school programme
  • Network meetings and specialist CPD

Flying Paper Airplane
Line Art Hand Drawn Paper Airplane Illustration
Commitment Partnership Badge


Aasiya Hassan, Head of Careers Education and Work ​Experience Aasiya.Hassan@bdsip.co.uk or 07976 238135




Driven by our commitment to enabling more young people to access higher education and take ​up professional work opportunities, this innovative programme exposes students to industry ​professionals, relatable recent graduates and university lecturers across a range of careers and ​industries.

All sessions are highly interactive, allowing students to ask questions and explore the reality of ​life at university or in the world of employment.

Spanning a wide range of careers and progression routes, the offer includes:

  • Professions’ Mornings for Y8 and 9
  • Pathways Sessions for Y12
  • Information Sessions for parents/carers
  • Employer Insight events for Y9 to 13
  • Careers Leads’ Network meetings which bring together schools, university outreach teams ​and careers development organisations
  • Tailored support for in-school careers events

Driven by our commitment to enabling more young people to access higher education and take ​up professional work opportunities, this innovative programme exposes students to industry ​professionals, relatable recent graduates and university lecturers across a range of careers and ​industries.

All sessions are highly interactive, allowing students to ask questions and explore the reality of ​life at university or in the world of employment.

Spanning a wide range of careers and progression routes, the offer includes:

  • Professions’ Mornings for Y8 and 9
  • Pathways Sessions for Y12
  • Information Sessions for parents/carers
  • Employer Insight events for Y9 to 13
  • Careers Leads’ Network meetings which bring together schools, university outreach teams ​and careers development organisations
  • Tailored support for in-school careers events

valuable work experience



BDSIP believes that work experience is critical to the ​development of employability skills; raising ​aspirations for young people; and reducing the ​numbers of students who become NEET post-16.

To provide students with an impactful work ​experience placement, we are working in partnership ​with Inspire! to build a shared network of local, ​regional and national employers who are equally ​committed to providing meaningful opportunities. Our ​employer pool ranges from small local businesses to ​large FTSE 100 companies.

BDSIP provides an end-to-end service which includes:

  • Access to an online platform which provides a ​real-time overview of individual progress and ​supports impact measurement
  • Briefings for students and parents/carers
  • Ongoing support for school leaders
  • Individual student support sessions
  • Employer pre-placement checks
  • Priority provision for vulnerable students or those ​with additional needs
  • Student evaluations of placement experience.

Students in specialist provisions can access a more ​tailored programme which includes careers advice ​and guidance from a qualified adviser and a full or ​part assisted work experience, delivered in ​collaboration with the setting, to support successful ​outcomes.

BDSIP believes that work experience is critical to the ​development of employability skills; raising ​aspirations for young people; and reducing the ​numbers of students who become NEET post-16.

To provide students with an impactful work ​experience placement, we are working in partnership ​with Inspire! to build a shared network of local, ​regional and national employers who are equally ​committed to providing meaningful opportunities. Our ​employer pool ranges from small local businesses to ​large FTSE 100 companies.

BDSIP provides an end-to-end service which includes:

  • Access to an online platform which provides a ​real-time overview of individual progress and ​supports impact measurement
  • Briefings for students and parents/carers
  • Ongoing support for school leaders
  • Individual student support sessions
  • Employer pre-placement checks
  • Priority provision for vulnerable students or those ​with additional needs
  • Student evaluations of placement experience.

Students in specialist provisions can access a more ​tailored programme which includes careers advice ​and guidance from a qualified adviser and a full or ​part assisted work experience, delivered in ​collaboration with the setting, to support successful ​outcomes.

Two Plane Vector Icons. Plane Icons. Airplane Vector Icon. Sketch of Paper Airplane in Linear and Modern Simple Flat Design. Plane Web Icons. Black Paper Airplane Icons, Isolated on White Background
Commitment Partnership Badge


Aasiya Hassan, Head of Careers Education and Work ​Experience Aasiya.Hassan@bdsip.co.uk or 07976 238135

Our Careers Service supports young people to make ​positive, informed and aspiration choices about their ​future with high-quality, impartial, expert careers ​advice.

Our team of Level 6 qualified careers advisers:

  • Bring deep expertise in the local education ​environment, employment opportunities and high ​education options, equipping students with the ​knowledge to make informed decisions about ​their future
  • Conduct one-to-one interviews, assemblies, ​group sessions and parents’ evenings
  • Give students the tools they need to meet their ​goals with individual actions plans that support ​students to meet their goals
  • Provide support for students at critical points in ​their progression through Y7 to 13
  • Support Y12 and 13 to build their experience, ​knowledge and confidence regarding higher ​education and employment
  • Lead termly network meetings to support in-​school Careers Leads and support best practice.

Our Careers Service supports young people to make ​positive, informed and aspiration choices about their ​future with high-quality, impartial, expert careers ​advice.

Our team of Level 6 qualified careers advisers:

  • Bring deep expertise in the local education ​environment, employment opportunities and high ​education options, equipping students with the ​knowledge to make informed decisions about ​their future
  • Conduct one-to-one interviews, assemblies, ​group sessions and parents’ evenings
  • Give students the tools they need to meet their ​goals with individual actions plans that support ​students to meet their goals
  • Provide support for students at critical points in ​their progression through Y7 to 13
  • Support Y12 and 13 to build their experience, ​knowledge and confidence regarding higher ​education and employment
  • Lead termly network meetings to support in-​school Careers Leads and support best practice.

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Beatrice Joseph, Lead Careers Adviser

Beatrice.Joseph@bdsip.co.uk or 07816 592970

Paper airplane is flying



Securing employment or an apprenticeship ​can be a daunting process for young people. ​This invaluable practical session for Y13 ​guides students through the application and ​recruitment process for apprenticeships and ​employment with a full-day of workshops, ​delivered in your setting.

We will support a group of up to 20 ​students to make informed choices by ​offering tailored guidance covering:

  • Opportunities in the local labour market
  • Where to look for apprenticeships and ​jobs
  • How to write an impactful CV or ​application
  • Preparation for interviews
  • Follow-up support to prepare for specific ​opportunities

Securing employment or an apprenticeship ​can be a daunting process for young people. ​This invaluable practical session for Y13 ​guides students through the application and ​recruitment process for apprenticeships and ​employment with a full-day of workshops, ​delivered in your setting.

We will support a group of up to 20 ​students to make informed choices by ​offering tailored guidance covering:

  • Opportunities in the local labour market
  • Where to look for apprenticeships and ​jobs
  • How to write an impactful CV or ​application
  • Preparation for interviews
  • Follow-up support to prepare for specific ​opportunities

Commitment Partnership Badge


Aasiya Hassan, Head of Careers Education and Work ​Experience Aasiya.Hassan@bdsip.co.uk or 07976 238135



Paper airplane doodle

“Thank you for the advice and opportunities ​shared with me today. I know the steps I need to ​take to get an apprenticeship or a job now.”





The team of experts within BDSIP’s Digital ​Support Services are committed to enabling ​schools to create inclusive, empowering, and ​purposeful educational experiences for all, ​where each learner is equipped with ​knowledge and skills that enable them to ​participate purposefully in modern society.

Furthermore, we believe that recent ​technological advances are such that it is vital ​schools have access to a ‘trusted partner’ who ​will provide honest advice and guidance to ​support them to navigate the territory. Our ​suite of Digital Support Services target the key ​priorities of curriculum, teaching and learning, ​IT infrastructure and data management to ​enable school leaders to realise the fullest ​opportunities for growth, inclusion and ​success for all.

The team of experts within BDSIP’s Digital ​Support Services are committed to enabling ​schools to create inclusive, empowering, and ​purposeful educational experiences for all, ​where each learner is equipped with ​knowledge and skills that enable them to ​participate purposefully in modern society.

Furthermore, we believe that recent ​technological advances are such that it is vital ​schools have access to a ‘trusted partner’ who ​will provide honest advice and guidance to ​support them to navigate the territory. Our ​suite of Digital Support Services target the key ​priorities of curriculum, teaching and learning, ​IT infrastructure and data management to ​enable school leaders to realise the fullest ​opportunities for growth, inclusion and ​success for all.

“The Data Management Service is ​really helpful and valued at our ​school.”

“The Data Management Service is ​really helpful and valued at our ​school.”

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023

Trusted Partner Evaluation 2023




Computing is an essential subject if all children and young people are to ​have a well-informed understanding of the increasingly digital world that ​surrounds them. Employers project that the number of careers depending ​on computing skills will grow and many pupils currently starting school ​today could end up in jobs that do not currently exist. Our curriculum ​computing service will support leaders to elevate the computing ​curriculum and ensure your pupils have the necessary skills for the future.

Our specialist advisory teacher will provide two days of in-school support ​tailored to meet your specific computing curriculum, online safety and/or ​pupil data management needs. The package includes termly subject ​leaders’ meetings; regular computing CPD; and ongoing remote support ​throughout the year. In addition, we provide valuable insights into ​assessment systems and system effectiveness, alongside data ​presentation materials which summarise pupil performance data from ​Integris or other assessment data packages.

Our service extends to advising and supporting on the development of ​remote learning systems, providing hands-on assistance to maximise the ​potential of your platform.

Computing is an essential subject if all children and young people are to ​have a well-informed understanding of the increasingly digital world that ​surrounds them. Employers project that the number of careers depending ​on computing skills will grow and many pupils currently starting school ​today could end up in jobs that do not currently exist. Our curriculum ​computing service will support leaders to elevate the computing ​curriculum and ensure your pupils have the necessary skills for the future.

Our specialist advisory teacher will provide two days of in-school support ​tailored to meet your specific computing curriculum, online safety and/or ​pupil data management needs. The package includes termly subject ​leaders’ meetings; regular computing CPD; and ongoing remote support ​throughout the year. In addition, we provide valuable insights into ​assessment systems and system effectiveness, alongside data ​presentation materials which summarise pupil performance data from ​Integris or other assessment data packages.

Our service extends to advising and supporting on the development of ​remote learning systems, providing hands-on assistance to maximise the ​potential of your platform.

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Paper airplane doodle
Commitment Partnership Badge


Gillian Bratley, Advisory Teacher for ICT​ Gillian.Bratley@bdsip.co.uk or 07968 511 883



BDSIP has partnered with London Grid for Learning (LGfL), a technology ​charity, to offer our schools a competitively priced internet connectivity ​services which is fast, filtered and fortified to ensure that your broadband ​has the capacity, security and safeguards to meet the requirements of ​your setting.

LGfL fibre broadband offers more than reliability, high speed and ​performance. Schools can benefit from a range of additional bundled ​products which are included in the service at no extra cost. You will have ​access to:

  • 12 layers of digital defence against security threats including KCSIE ​compliant school level control of internet filtering with SchoolProtect ​Webscreen; ­Sophos anti-virus software for servers and workstations ​which can be extended to cover staff or governors working at home; ­​Gridstore disaster recovery which offers an encrypted offsite backup ​of your data to recover it to any point in time; ­Distributed Denial of ​Service (DDoS) Protection; ­ThreatDown powered by Malwarebytes; ​and ­Meraki Mobile Device Manager
  • Free School Meals Eligibility Checker
  • Free website hosting
  • Neverware licences to convert existing devices to Chromebooks for ​free
  • Over 100 educational packages including the award-winning Energise ​curriculum content and platforms such as J2E and Busy Things.

BDSIP is committed to supporting schools throughout the transition to ​LGfL and ensuring ongoing assistance throughout the contract's lifetime.

BDSIP has partnered with London Grid for Learning (LGfL), a technology ​charity, to offer our schools a competitively priced internet connectivity ​services which is fast, filtered and fortified to ensure that your broadband ​has the capacity, security and safeguards to meet the requirements of ​your setting.

LGfL fibre broadband offers more than reliability, high speed and ​performance. Schools can benefit from a range of additional bundled ​products which are included in the service at no extra cost. You will have ​access to:

  • 12 layers of digital defence against security threats including KCSIE ​compliant school level control of internet filtering with SchoolProtect ​Webscreen; ­Sophos anti-virus software for servers and workstations ​which can be extended to cover staff or governors working at home; ­​Gridstore disaster recovery which offers an encrypted offsite backup ​of your data to recover it to any point in time; ­Distributed Denial of ​Service (DDoS) Protection; ­ThreatDown powered by Malwarebytes; ​and ­Meraki Mobile Device Manager
  • Free School Meals Eligibility Checker
  • Free website hosting
  • Neverware licences to convert existing devices to Chromebooks for ​free
  • Over 100 educational packages including the award-winning Energise ​curriculum content and platforms such as J2E and Busy Things.

BDSIP is committed to supporting schools throughout the transition to ​LGfL and ensuring ongoing assistance throughout the contract's lifetime.

Paper Airplane, sketch illustration
Commitment Partnership Badge


Gillian Bratley, Advisory Teacher for ICT

Gillian.Bratley@bdsip.co.uk or 07968 511 883



BDSIP’s partnership with Elementary ICT offers a ​managed service to deliver and support the Office ​365 email system used in schools.

The service is available for schools who are on the ​BDCS Office 365 domain or on their own Office 365 ​tenancy. A bespoke portal enables your in-house IT ​support to manage accounts for your school, or you ​can gain full support through the helpdesk.

Schools can also request support with completing ​data protection requests, such as subject access ​requests, and automated deletion of emails in line ​with the protocols of your GDPR policy. To support ​teaching and learning, the service offers the creation ​of pupil email accounts, for use in the classroom and ​at home, with access to Office 365, Google ​Classroom and your curriculum resources.

BDSIP’s partnership with Elementary ICT offers a ​managed service to deliver and support the Office ​365 email system used in schools.

The service is available for schools who are on the ​BDCS Office 365 domain or on their own Office 365 ​tenancy. A bespoke portal enables your in-house IT ​support to manage accounts for your school, or you ​can gain full support through the helpdesk.

Schools can also request support with completing ​data protection requests, such as subject access ​requests, and automated deletion of emails in line ​with the protocols of your GDPR policy. To support ​teaching and learning, the service offers the creation ​of pupil email accounts, for use in the classroom and ​at home, with access to Office 365, Google ​Classroom and your curriculum resources.

One line drawing paper airplane

Gillian Bratley, Advisory Teacher for ICT ​Gillian.Bratley@bdsip.co.uk or 07968 511 883

Anti Virus Line Icon



Cyber security should be high on the agenda for any ​school with a reliance on IT and online systems. ​Government research, published in April 2023, has found ​that ‘all types of education institutions are more likely to ​identify breaches or attacks than the average UK ​business’.

Even if you do not purchase your internet connectivity ​service through BDSIP, our arrangement with Sophos ​means we can offer you a competitive deal on anti-virus ​licences to protect your school. Our Intercept X licences ​for workstations and servers provide robust protection ​against viruses, including ransomware, with a three-year ​validity.

Cyber security should be high on the agenda for any ​school with a reliance on IT and online systems. ​Government research, published in April 2023, has found ​that ‘all types of education institutions are more likely to ​identify breaches or attacks than the average UK ​business’.

Even if you do not purchase your internet connectivity ​service through BDSIP, our arrangement with Sophos ​means we can offer you a competitive deal on anti-virus ​licences to protect your school. Our Intercept X licences ​for workstations and servers provide robust protection ​against viruses, including ransomware, with a three-year ​validity.

Commitment Partnership Badge




Rigorous data management and analysis is an essential tool in informing an ​effective school improvement strategy. With over 30 years’ experience, our team ​of education data specialists provide an enhanced data management service to ​support school leaders to optimise your data management systems, providing ​advice, guidance, and insightful analysis to save you time and effort.

Rigorous data management and analysis is an essential tool in informing an ​effective school improvement strategy. With over 30 years’ experience, our team ​of education data specialists provide an enhanced data management service to ​support school leaders to optimise your data management systems, providing ​advice, guidance, and insightful analysis to save you time and effort.

The Education Data Management Service provides:

  • Early access to a school data pack via Perspective Lite containing ​detailed group analysis and comparisons against local, regional, and ​national statistics
  • Access to Absence and Inclusion Dashboards via Perspective Lite
  • Help desk support to resolve errors and queries in statutory returns
  • Updating information in Collect on your behalf, when requested
  • Compllation of data packs supplied to your setting at your request
  • Access to FFT Aspire and Perspective Lite services, including Data Tabs, ​Nova Analysis, Insight and LA News at a reduced cost as part of the LA ​arrangement
  • Advice and support on the use and interpretation of statistical data, ​tailored specifically for your school to meet your priorities

The Education Data Management Service provides:

  • Early access to a school data pack via Perspective Lite containing ​detailed group analysis and comparisons against local, regional, and ​national statistics
  • Access to Absence and Inclusion Dashboards via Perspective Lite
  • Help desk support to resolve errors and queries in statutory returns
  • Updating information in Collect on your behalf, when requested
  • Compllation of data packs supplied to your setting at your request
  • Access to FFT Aspire and Perspective Lite services, including Data Tabs, ​Nova Analysis, Insight and LA News at a reduced cost as part of the LA ​arrangement
  • Advice and support on the use and interpretation of statistical data, ​tailored specifically for your school to meet your priorities

All B&D schools have access to:

  • Summary tables showing local, regional and ​national headline results for all schools
  • Provision of Guidance Notes and a briefing to ​support completion of statutory returns
  • Prompts for missing information or amendments ​that need action in statutory returns
  • Signposting to data sources on request

All B&D schools have access to:

  • Summary tables showing local, regional and ​national headline results for all schools
  • Provision of Guidance Notes and a briefing to ​support completion of statutory returns
  • Prompts for missing information or amendments ​that need action in statutory returns
  • Signposting to data sources on request
Commitment Partnership Badge


Simon Davies, School Performance and MIS Support ​Manager Simon.Davies@bdsip.co.uk or 07866 912 849

Doodle handdrawn paper airplane, school concept design.



We are committed to optimizing the potential of Integris, ​providing personalised, targeted support to ensure that your ​setting reaps maximum benefits from the system.

Our team of experienced and accredited specialists stand ​ready to offer dedicated support across all system modules ​from fundamental operations like managing pupil data and ​class creation through to developing assessment markbooks ​and creating data reports.

In addition, the team provide an extensive training ​programme to support school-based staff to utilise Integris to ​its fullest potential with confidence. The programme covers ​essential elements like:

  • System administration and navigation using advanced ​features
  • Managing academic year transitions
  • Completing statutory returns
  • Optimising assessment modules for insightful data ​analysis
  • Using the behaviour module and pupil tracking functions ​to support inclusion

We are committed to optimizing the potential of Integris, ​providing personalised, targeted support to ensure that your ​setting reaps maximum benefits from the system.

Our team of experienced and accredited specialists stand ​ready to offer dedicated support across all system modules ​from fundamental operations like managing pupil data and ​class creation through to developing assessment markbooks ​and creating data reports.

In addition, the team provide an extensive training ​programme to support school-based staff to utilise Integris to ​its fullest potential with confidence. The programme covers ​essential elements like:

  • System administration and navigation using advanced ​features
  • Managing academic year transitions
  • Completing statutory returns
  • Optimising assessment modules for insightful data ​analysis
  • Using the behaviour module and pupil tracking functions ​to support inclusion

Should you require additional bespoke ​training outside of the programme, the team ​are more than willing to accommodate your ​specific needs.

Please note that schools using Integris are ​required to have a support agreement either ​directly with Integris Education or an ​approved support partner such as BDSIP.

Should you require additional bespoke ​training outside of the programme, the team ​are more than willing to accommodate your ​specific needs.

Please note that schools using Integris are ​required to have a support agreement either ​directly with Integris Education or an ​approved support partner such as BDSIP.

Paper airplane is flying
Commitment Partnership Badge


Simon Davies, School Performance and MIS Support Manager​ Simon.Davies@bdsip.co.uk or 07866 912 849

“The information shared was good, ​appropriately pitched for governors and it ​was interesting to hear examples of good ​practice.”

“The information shared was good, ​appropriately pitched for governors and it ​was interesting to hear examples of good ​practice.”

Governors’ Conference 2023

A highly effective school will have highly effective governance. This ​means that the governing body will work collaboratively and ​proactively with the leadership team, offering both support and ​challenge to ensure that the school realises a vision of high ​aspirations for all within a culture that fosters inclusion.

BDSIP Governor Services supports highly effective school ​governance by providing expert advice, guidance, clerking and ​support when you need it from our highly experienced Governor ​Services Manager, Jackie Day. Jackie has an extensive working ​knowledge of your statutory responsibilities in all types of school, ​including maintained, academies and diocesan.

Governor Training

Well supported and well-trained Governors are more likely to be able ​offer the level of support and challenge needed by schools. Our ​training package collates all the most relevant advice and training for ​Governors, so that they feel equipped with the knowledge and skills ​to do their roles effectively.

Headteacher Performance Management

Our experienced school improvement advisers will guide governors ​through the performance management process, summarising the ​previous cycle and negotiating new performance objectives for ​Headteachers.

A highly effective school will have highly effective governance. This ​means that the governing body will work collaboratively and ​proactively with the leadership team, offering both support and ​challenge to ensure that the school realises a vision of high ​aspirations for all within a culture that fosters inclusion.

BDSIP Governor Services supports highly effective school ​governance by providing expert advice, guidance, clerking and ​support when you need it from our highly experienced Governor ​Services Manager, Jackie Day. Jackie has an extensive working ​knowledge of your statutory responsibilities in all types of school, ​including maintained, academies and diocesan.

Governor Training

Well supported and well-trained Governors are more likely to be able ​offer the level of support and challenge needed by schools. Our ​training package collates all the most relevant advice and training for ​Governors, so that they feel equipped with the knowledge and skills ​to do their roles effectively.

Headteacher Performance Management

Our experienced school improvement advisers will guide governors ​through the performance management process, summarising the ​previous cycle and negotiating new performance objectives for ​Headteachers.



Commitment Partnership Badge


A Flying Paper Airplane. Startup, Development. Doodle. Hand-Drawn

Jackie Day, Governor Services Manager

Jackie.Day@bdsip.co.uk or on 07866 912 860



Our CPD programme is driven by our commitment to creating an inclusive, ​empowering and purposeful educational experience for all. The offer is ​developed through a combination of rigorous data analysis and our ​partnership work with schools to ensure it is targeting schools’ shared ​developmental priorities.

Facilitated by our team of trusted experts, both from within BDSIP and our ​wide-ranging educational partnerships, our engaging training opportunities ​inspire delegates to realise the fullest opportunities for growth and a vision ​of success for all.

Schools can buy an annual subscription which allows unlimited access to ​most courses on our training programme (exclusions apply to a limited ​number of courses delivered by external partners) or register for individual ​sessions on a pay-as-you-basis. BDSIP advisers can also deliver bespoke ​training for your setting on request.

Our CPD programme is constantly evolving in response to the local, regional ​or national education landscape. For an overview of forthcoming events, ​please visit our website: bdsip.co.uk/cpd or click below:

Our CPD programme is driven by our commitment to creating an inclusive, ​empowering and purposeful educational experience for all. The offer is ​developed through a combination of rigorous data analysis and our ​partnership work with schools to ensure it is targeting schools’ shared ​developmental priorities.

Facilitated by our team of trusted experts, both from within BDSIP and our ​wide-ranging educational partnerships, our engaging training opportunities ​inspire delegates to realise the fullest opportunities for growth and a vision ​of success for all.

Schools can buy an annual subscription which allows unlimited access to ​most courses on our training programme (exclusions apply to a limited ​number of courses delivered by external partners) or register for individual ​sessions on a pay-as-you-basis. BDSIP advisers can also deliver bespoke ​training for your setting on request.

Our CPD programme is constantly evolving in response to the local, regional ​or national education landscape. For an overview of forthcoming events, ​please visit our website: bdsip.co.uk/cpd or click below:

In 2022-23, we ran almost 150 ​training courses with an average ​evaluation of 4.3 out of 5. We ​facilitated 3 annual conferences with ​an average evaluation of 4.8 out of 5.

9 out of 10 of our delegates would ​recommend our courses to a ​colleague.

In 2022-23, we ran almost 150 ​training courses with an average ​evaluation of 4.3 out of 5. We ​facilitated 3 annual conferences with ​an average evaluation of 4.8 out of 5.

9 out of 10 of our delegates would ​recommend our courses to a ​colleague.

Paper Airplane Doodle Style



Georgina Wright, Events and Marketing Co-ordinator Georgina.Wright@bdsip.co.uk or 07734 247793

Commitment Partnership Badge




BDSIP has frozen our pricing for 2024-25 to ensure our ​services remain accessible to our schools.

Paper Airplane Line Icon
Commitment Partnership Badge


Naheem Akhtar, Finance Co-ordinator, ​Naheem.Akhtar@bdsip.co.uk or 07976 239187

School Improvement Partnership


Primary: 0-500 cohort - 6 days per year


Primary: 500-1000 cohort - 6 days per year


Primary: 1000+ - 6 days per year


Secondary: 0-500 cohort - 6 days per year


Secondary: 500-1000 cohort - 6 days per ​year


Secondary: 1000+ - 6 days per year


Governor Services


Governor Advice and Support


Governor Advice, Support and Clerking


Governor Training


Governor Bundle Package


Headteacher Performance Management


CPD Package


0-500 cohort


500-1000 cohort


1000+ cohort


CPD: Pay-as-you-go

£50 to £250

SEND & Inclusion Services


SEND & Inclusion Service: 0-500 cohort - 6 days per year


SEND & Inclusion Service: 500-1000 cohort - 6 days per ​year


SEND & Inclusion Service: 1000+ cohort - 6 days per year


Counseling Service (LBBD schools) - One day per week


Counselling Service (non-LBBD schools) - One day per ​week


Attendance Service: One day per week


Attendance Service: Half a day per week


Attendance Service: Day Rate


EYFS and Complex Needs: Standard


EYFS and Complex Needs: Enhanced Package


SEND & Inclusion Services


Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational ​Therapy Service:

One day per week


Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational ​Therapy Service:

One day per fortnight


Speech and Language Therapy or Occupational ​Therapy Service: Day rate


Educational Psychology Service Package:

Day rate for minimum 20 visits per year


Educational Psychology Service: Day rate


Dyslexia Assessments: Per Assessment


Careers and Aspirations


Grown Up Me: Primary Careers


Careers Service: 101-299 cohort - 2 days per week


Careers Service: 300 cohort - 2 days per week


Aim Higher Programme


Y13 Employability Day


Work Experience

£75 per ​employer check

Digital Services


Education Data Service: 0-500 cohort


Education Data Service: 500-1000 cohort


Education Data Service: 1000-1500 cohort


Education Data Service: 1500+ cohort


MIS Support Service


Curriculum Computing and Data


Primary and Secondary Internet Services

Dependent on ​bandwith required

Internet Services - Email


Anti-Virus Service

Dependent on ​number of ​licences required




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Chief Executive

Chief Executive

Lee Boyce

Lee Boyce

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07890 630644

07890 630644

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